Friday 1 April 2016

HA5 Task 5 - Evaluation

my strongest point in HA5 is the written work in my opinion since my art isn't the greatest. Overall i think i learned a few things but the most important thing i learned is how important it is to follow the specification which is quite hard to follow at all times while keeping to your own style.

On Task 1 i had to provide visual research into a chosen character and then had to write why i used that inspiration and what it helped. The setting i chose was 1970s-styled Spacecraft with the character i Chose was Daisy Isidore and just from this i know that it is about a female character based in a sci fi setting.

On Task 2 i had to create multiple concepts for my final illustration which included the setting, the character and the equipment she has on the game which also can lead to the mechanics of the game. My art on this was quite rushed so i don't think it show the most of my abilities.

Next i did task 3 and aimed to create a final illustration which put all of my final pieces, including setting, character and equipment from task 2 together. With this task i aimed to provide better artwork than i did for task 2, which i did, but i still don't think the work i did was the best i could of achieved. i still didn't add any colour at this stage because it was the approval stage

Finally i got onto task 4 which was quite simple, all this required of me was to sign a checklist which was found on Moodle, the checklist was on legal and ethical implications my work could have

once i had finished i looked back at my work and figured out two things, one being how important it is to follow the specifications you are given and another which i have yet to fully grasp which is how long i should spend on each task and how to spread my work out but i think i finally have the right mind to do this after struggling with time on this assignment. also in the future i will give myself enough time to produce far superior work that what was done on this task and spend more of my own time outside of college completing work as well as creating new skills for myself in the future.

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