Thursday 31 March 2016

HA5 Assignment Brief

Assignment brief
90 Credit Diploma in Creative Media Production - Games Design
Unit number and title
Unit 69 – Drawing Concept Art for Computer Games - partial
Assessor name
Harry Arnold
Date issued
Hand in deadline

Assignment title
HA5 Character Design Pack
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that the learner is:
      Able to draw anatomy, environment and object concept art for computer games.
      Able to present concept artwork for computer games.

Manchester-based games developer, White Paper Games is looking to recruit a team of concept artists to work on the exploration phase of a new game concept following the success of their 2014 game Ether One.

The third stage of the process involves you following a brief set by the studio, which will test your ability to develop exploratory concept artwork for a character, their environment and equipment.
Task 1 – Reference Research
Choose one of the following characters and settings. Carry out visual and written research into the three elements you will have to visualise a concept for, the setting, character and equipment.

Setting 01 – Medieval Castle Dungeon
Set in a prison beneath a castle during the medieval period. The setting is dingy, damp, dirty, dark and oppressive. There is evidence of torture and interrogation.
Character 01 – Jonathyn Bearswick
He is a charming medieval maverick, cast away into the dreaded prison beneath the castle. Jonathyn has spent almost his whole life as a thief and con man travelling the world by sea. He is a bearded action hero typical of classic adventure stories, imprisoned for his crimes. Tall and trim, he stands out because of the bright colours featured in his clothing.
Equipment 01 -
Sword and belt, pistol and playing cards.
Starting Point References 01 -
Errol Flynn, swashbuckling adventure movies. Lord of the Rings, Robin Hood.

Setting 02 – 1970s-styled Spacecraft
Set in the distant future, but designed like a 1970s vision of the future, featuring over-the-top, dated futuristic technology. It is clear that something has caused the crew to leave suddenly. The situation mirrors that found on the Mary Celeste when boarded.
Character 02 – Daisy Isidore
She is a young, wide-eyed and ambitious astronaut scientist with dreams of travelling the stars, all up until it goes horribly wrong. Daisy is tall, strong, with short dark-hair and wears glasses. She is highly professional and resourceful at all times.
Equipment 02 -
Hand-held weapon and carrier, communication device and scientific toolkit.
Starting Point References 02 -
Space 1999, Blake’s 7, Logan’s Run, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

Setting 03 – 1940s Hospital
Set in a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which has pushed the health system to breaking point. An investigation ensues.
Character 03 – Mitchell ‘Mitch’ Deforest
He is a typical chain-smoking private investigator working in Los Angeles until the disease hits. Mitch has a rather scruffy and unhealthy appearance. Aloof and laconic, medium-build and height, dark hair, blue eyes, suit-wearing with five o’clock shadow.
Equipment 03 -
Revolver and holster, cigarettes and Zippo lighter.
Starting Point References 03 -
Raymond Chandler (Philip Marlow), Chinatown (Jack Nicholson), LA Confidential, LA Noire.

Remember that the visual research that you carry out here will assist you in the creation of your illustrations. The more reference material you have, the easier it will be to visualise your concept. Publish all of the information to your blog, citing all sources.

You are aiming to draw anatomy, environment and object concept artwork for computer games to near-professional standards, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations.
This provides evidence Unit 69 – P3, M3, D3
Task 2 – Development Studies
Reflect on your drawing portfolio created for the HA3 – Drawing Portfolio assignment. Try to identify the media and techniques that were most successful for you.

Produce a wide range of exploratory sketches/drawings from your research for your chosen setting, character and equipment. Your focus should be speed and a quick turn-around/development of ideas.

At this stage you are developing how your concept will look and so you should aim to present a range of options. The style is your choice. The work may be made on different sized paper, using a range of media and techniques. Ensure that you have included all aspects of your workflow or design process from start to finish within a production log inside this post. You will need to update this at least once per week (ideally after each session) and include explanatory notes and illustrations.

You are aiming to draw anatomy, environment and object concept artwork for computer games to near-professional standards, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations.

This provides evidence Unit 69 – P3, M3, D3
Task 3 – Final Illustration Presentation
From your exploratory drawings, produce a final drawn concept for the setting, character and equipment. The media and techniques used are your choice. Digitise your work and combine your finished illustrations into a poster montage ready for submission to the client. Ensure that it is labelled carefully.

You are aiming to lay out concept artwork for computer games to near-professional standards working independently to professional expectations.

This provides evidence Unit 69 – P4, M4, D4
Task 4 – Sign-off
Check your work carefully, complete and sign the legal and ethical checklist. Publish your artwork and gain feedback.

You are aiming to lay out concept artwork for computer games to near-professional standards working independently to professional expectations.

This provides evidence Unit 69 – P4, M4, D4
Task 5 – Evaluation
Write an evaluation of your project. Use your production log and blog posts to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your design process and management techniques. Try to establish whether or not your finished product has achieved the aim of the project. Take into consideration anything said by reviewers.

You are aiming to compare your outcome with original intentions and guidance to near-professional standards working independently to professional expectations..

This provides evidence Unit 69 – P4, M4, D4
Evidence checklist
Annotated visual and written information published to blog.
Annotated production log published to blog.
Presentation artwork published to blog.
Legal and ethical checklist.
Evaluation published to blog.

Sources of information/references

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