Friday 4 March 2016

HA3 Task 1 - Mark-making Portfolio

01 - Primary Observation Portraits Exercise
for the first part of my mark making portfolio i made a bunch of portraits of people in my class, i had to draw them in a few minutes with different rules. e.g. using pencil, use different colours, with my eyes closed etc. i had roughly 2 - 5 minutes for each one.

02 - Primary Observation Expressive Portraits Exercise
second thing i had to do was draw someone in different positions such as sitting, standing, lying and walking. for my model i used Raychel.
Lying down

03 - Primary Observations Figures Exercise
For this exercise i had to draw my own face from a mirror this meant that i couldn't take a picture and then draw that picture but that i had to draw a live drawing of my own face. i had to pull different expressions for each one of these pictures. the expressions i had to pull were: happy excited gloomy angry confused and with my tongue stuck out.

04 - Primary Observation  Expressive Hands Exercise
this was another piece of work that i had to do at home, i had to draw my hand in different positions meaning different things such as anger (which is represented by a fist), stop (which is represented by a flat hand), OK (which is represented by a general OK sign) and peace (which is represented by a general peace sign which is just two fingers).

05 - Secondary Observation Gridded Exercise
this piece of work took me two hours to do and i made it by copying a piece of art grid by grid. i had two hours to complete this task

06 - Secondary Observation Mythical Creature Exercise
the 6th piece of work i had to do was to made a mythical creature or a Chimera. it had the head of a peacock, torso of a human, legs of a cheetah, feet of a eagle, wings of a bat and crab claws for hands. i had two hours to complete this task.

07 - Secondary Observation Tracing Exercise
for this piece of work i took different pictures of my partner Sam and then traced over it. i had two hours to complete this task which included taking the pictures and tracing.

08 - Construction Drawing Manga Head Exercise
my 8th exercise involved me learning how to draw in a manga style, i had to draw both a male and female in a Japanese manga art style which includes small noses, huge eyes and big expressions on their faces. i had two hours to complete this task.

09 - Silhouette Figure Drawing Exercise
for the 9th exercise i had to draw silhouettes with a marker. the point of this exercise was to draw the people i could see around me without drawing there outline first so i would draw them as i could see them. i drew people ll around me from someone holding a umbrella to someone cleaning. i had two hours to complete this task.

01 - Isometric Perspective Exercise
for this exercise i had to use perspective to create a 3D view of the letter 'F' as if i was viewing it from a 30 degree angle

02 - Single Point  Perspective Exercise
for this exercise i had to use perspective to create a 3D view of the letter 'M' as if i was viewing it while looking at a certain point

03 - Two Point Perspective Exercise
for this exercise i had to use perspective to create a 3D view of the letter 'X'  

04 - Three Point Perspective Exercise
for this exercise i had to use perspective to create a 3D view of the letter 'H'. i had two hours to complete F-H.

05 - Two Point  Perspective Spacestation Exercise
for this exercise i had to use perspective to create a 3D view of a sci-fi spacestation connecting everything to two points. i had two hours to complete this task.

06 - Crated Primitive Objects Exercise 1
for this task i had to create a triangle and a sphere in a crated cube to show a understanding of the 3D perspective

06 - Crated Primitive Objects Exercise 2
for this task i had to create a cone and cylinder in a crated rectangle  to show a understanding of the 3D perspective 

06 - Crated Primitive Objects Exercise 3
for this task i had to create a in a crate torus to show a understanding of the 3D perspective. i had two hours to complete all these tasks.

01 - Mark-Making Techniques Exercise
for the first object exercise i had to use different types of marks to shade in shapes or design new ways to shade them in. i had one hours to complete this task.

02 - Blended Shading Technique Exercise
for this project i had to use charcoal and draw white objects and after making a layer of charcoal i had to erase the charcoal to bring out the lighter parts of it. i had one hours to complete this task.

01 - Pastel Textures Exercise
for tghe first and only textures exercise i had to draw different patterns that i could see with oil pastels and soft pastels. i had to draw books from the library, outside, a carpet from the student area and a plant with oil pastels and a grid, the car park, the floor outside of the sports hall and with soft pastels. i had two hours to complete this task.

01 - Party Blower Ideas Generation Exercise
for the idea exercise i had to make a bunch of different designs and replace something in them with party blowers to show my creativity and my flexible way of thinking.

01 - Colour Wheel Exercise
the colour exercises were pretty simple since all i had to do was colour in the colour wheel so that it had all the colours but to mix the colours i had to cross hatch

02 - Analogous Scheme Exercise
for my second exercise i had to use a analogous colour scheme which meant i had to use two different colours that were next to/adjacent to each other on the colour wheel.

03 - Complementary Colour Scheme Exercise
for the third exercise i had to use a complimentary colour scheme which meant i had to use two different colours that were opposite to each other on the colour wheel since them two would compliment each other.

04 - Triadic Colour Scheme Exercise
for my last exercise i had to use a traidic colour scheme which meant i had to use three different colours that were equally apart to each other on the colour wheel. i had two hours to complete all these tasks.

01 - Brush and Ink Landscape Exercise
for the final part of my port folio and the environment section i had to get four pieces of A3 paper and put it together like a puzzle after using ink to draw a landscape. this took me two hours to do.


  1. Nice art work man. Keep it up, proud of you :)

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